[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem

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[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem Vetera11
Liitus : 19/02/2012
Postitusi : 17985

PostitamineTonight 26.03.12 19:35

Plugini nimi: Register System
Plugini autor: m0skVi4a ;]
Plugini versioon: 5.0
Kirjeldus: Sa saad panna enda nimele parooli. Kui keegi teine logib sinu nimega sisse ja ei sisesta parooli, saab ta kicki.

[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem 65a2e301ef12e92e
[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem Dcbf2d8a6257c229
[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem E545cdcba7270da9

say /reg
say_team /reg
Ava registreerimissüsteemi menüü
või vali tiimimenüü (default: M)

Serveri commandid:
"rs_on" - Is the plugin on(1) or off(0). [B]Default: 1
"rs_save_type" - Where to seve the information: to file(0) or to MySQL(1). Default: 0
"rs_host" - The host for the database. Default:
"rs_user" - The username for the database login. Default: root
"rs_pass" - The password for the database login. Default:
"rs_db" - The database name. Default: registersystem
"rs_password_prefix" - The prefix of the setinfo for the Auto Login function. Default: _rspass
"rs_register_time" - How much time has the client to register. If is set to 0 registration is not mandatory. Default: 0
"rs_login_time" - How much time has the client to login if is registered. Default: 60.0
"rs_messages" - What messages will be displayed when the client connect - only hud messages(1), only chat messages(2) or hud and chat messages(3). Default: 3
"rs_password_len" - What is minimum length of the password. Default: 6
"rs_attempts" - How much attempts has the client to login if he type wrong password. Default: 3
"rs_chngpass_times" - How much times can the client change his password per map. Default: 3
"rs_register_log" - Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client is registered. Default: 1
"rs_chngpass_log" - Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client has change his password. Default: 1
"rs_autologin_log" - Is it allowed the plugin to log in file when the client has change his Auto Login function. Default: 1
"rs_name_change" - Which of the clients can change their names - all clients(0), all clients without Logged cients(1) or no one can(2). Default: 1
"rs_blind" - Whether clients who have not Logged or who must Register be blinded. Default: 1
"rs_chat" - Whether clients who have not Logged or who must Register chat's be blocked. Default: 1
"rs_logout" - What to do when client Logout - kick him from the server(0) or wait to Login during the Login time(1). Default: 0

#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <sqlx> 

#include <amxmisc> 

1. Compile the plugin
2. .amxx file goes to plugins dir
3. registersystem.cfg goes to configs dir
4. (незадължително) goes to regusers.ini в configs dir
5. Choose rshelpmotd_*.txt, rename it to rshelpmotd.txt and put it in cstrike dir
6. Add at the top of plugins.ini the name of the .amxx file
7. Set up registersystem.cfg and start the server. The plugin will automatically create regusers.ini file or the table for the database if it is necessary.

TÄHTIS!!! Plugin peab asuma plugins.ini failis kõige üleval, et see korralikult töötada saaks :)!


[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem Attachment
RegisterSystem_V5.0.zip You don't have permission to download attachments.(15 Kb) Downloaded 27 times

Liitus : 23/12/2014
Postitusi : 116

PostitamineAirwave 10.01.15 23:58

Küsimus kus asub amxx? :D või milline kood ma segaduses veidike :D

[AMXX] Registreerimissüsteem Vetera11
Liitus : 19/02/2012
Postitusi : 17985

PostitamineTonight 11.01.15 0:13

// Offtopic: kohutav copy-paste plugin. :D

.sma tuleb ise .amxxiks compilida.

Su privaatsõnumi põhjal soovid sa pigem seda süsteemi: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=253581

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